Stop attack on students in Allahabad University!

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On 19th December, a former student of Allahabad University was trying to enter the campus to access the bank inside. Due to restrictions on entry as a result of the ongoing anti-fee hike movement, guards tried to stop a student from entering. Following this, 50-60 security personnel were deployed by the university administration to clamp down on students who had begun gathering at the gate. For the past several months, students of Allahabad university have been waging a struggle against a fee hike of 400%. The administration has refused to hear their demands and has instead time and again used security personnel as well as the police to weaken their resolve.

In the incident on 19th as well, the violent clamp down by security has caused injuries to several students and activists at the site. Students of Allahabad university have responded by calling for strict action against those who have perpetrated violence on students and have raised their demand for revoking fee hike with renewed vigour. Fee hike of this scale in the university will ensure that higher education becomes inaccessible for the vast majority, with the new hostel fee going up to Rs. 45000 per year. We stand in solidarity with the ongoing struggle and condemn the use of violence on students! Resist fee hike and privatisation under NEP 2020!

WATCH | Ground report by COLLECTIVE’s fact-finding team that visited Allahabad University
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