Solidarity with APU: Defend Social Justice, Demand Public Education and Transport

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Stand with APU students on Indefinite Hunger Strike against Shuttle Fee imposition!

Defend Social Justice and Public Education! Expand public transport for all students in Karnataka!

COLLECTIVE stands in solidarity with the protesting students of Azim Premji University as they enter their 11th day of protest against Shuttle Fees. Five students are on indefinite hunger strike but the APU VC has not met students’ demands.

APU management made a fee of Rs. 8500 mandatory per semester for students residing in the KGA External Hostel. Without reliable public transport and street lighting, the hostel-campus round trip has led to instances of sexual harassment faced by students. A matter of particular concern is that students receiving freeship and scholarship have been told that the Shuttle Fees will be deducted from their paid internships instead, creating an unequal learning environment by reducing their academic time.

At a time when education is increasingly being privatised in India, APU is a grave example of what profit-making will do to the higher education system. Despite their claims to a liberal campus culture, APU students have for long demanded rights to unionise and collectively raise issues. COLLECTIVE has previously noted APU Admin’s weaponization of ‘inclusivity’ to attract paying students from privileged sections instead of ensuring social justice, liberatory knowledge production and reservations (for more, see COLLECTIVE Issue 6). 

We also note with alarm that Karnataka government’s 2023 Budget has slashed state transport allocations. The ₹500 crore allotment for all four transport corporations and freeze on transport worker recruitments severely undermines CM Bommai’s promise to ensure free bus transport for women students under the Vidya Vahini scheme.

The resistance in APU is part of the rising democratic movement by students across the country against fascist onslaught, demanding Education For All. COLLECTIVE stands with comrades in APU and reaffirms our shared commitment to bringing together such struggles for transforming the current social order.

Issued by:

Shambhavi Sharma, General Secretary

Shalom Gauri, Bangalore Unit Coordinator

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