Nov. 2022: Student Struggle across the globe

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Bangladesh (August): Dhaka students took to the streets for weeks against PM Sheikh Hasina government’s record fuel price hike. Heavy police brutality injured many students. The price of petrol was raised by 51.1% while diesel and kerosene were increased by around 42.5%, severely affecting middle and lower-income families.

Protesting students in Bangladesh forced the government to announce a cut in bus fares.

Occupied Palestine (September): School students organised a strike to protest the forceful imposition of the Israeli curriculum. Around 1,15,000 students study in about 280 Palestinian schools in Jerusalem. The new curriculum is set to remove chapters related to lack of medical aid and the Israeli government’s role in the water crisis of the occupied territories.


2,000+ protestors on climate strike in Sydney, which faced high flooding.

March: Hundreds of school students, workers and indigenous tribes took to the PM’s residence Kirribilli House demanding decisive action on climate change after floods killed 20 in and displaced thousands. Climate change is a prominent political issue in Australia which is among the world’s biggest per capita carbon emitters.


Nigeria (February – ongoing): Hundreds of school students, workers and indigenous tribes took to the PM’s residence Kirribilli House demanding decisive action on climate change after floods killed 20 in and displaced thousands. Climate change is a prominent political issue in Australia which is among the world’s biggest per capita carbon emitters.


United Kingdom (September): British Petroleum and Exxon faced sit-ins organised by university students during placement drives in Oxford and Sheffield, calling for a ban on fossil fuel corporations on campuses.

France (October, 2022): Students and trade unions protested against the rising cost of living and fuel crisis. France is currently witnessing their highest inflation rate in decades. A nationwide transport strike took place, inspired by British railworkers.

North America

United States (May – October): School students on the streets after a shooting in Uvalde, Texas killed 19 children. Thousands protested across Virginia against discrimination of transgender learners in public schools. Harvard and MIT students protested an ExxonMobil recruitment event on campus.

Canada (October): Hundreds of students from the University of British Columbia protested by walking out of classes after the funding for their food security programs was heavily reduced. This significantly increased the financial burden on students as their tuition fees were also increased post-pandemic.

South America

Uruguay (August): Youth demanded an increase in the budget for education and greater participation in decision-making institutions, following which many were evicted.

Brazil (October): Student-teacherss showed strength across the country against the huge budget cut by the Bolsonaro government, demanding ‘Education, Transportation, and Democracy’. This was reflected in the elections next month when the far-Right regime was ousted. A victory for people’s struggles everywhere!

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